Here's Why Two Dogs Are Better Than One

A friend once told me, “If you have one dog, you have a dog. If you have two dogs, you have half a dog. If you have three dogs, you have no dog at all.” Although I laughed at the time, I thoroughly disagree with him. See, he had one dog and I had two.

I currently have one dog, but that’s because one of my dogs died recently, and I haven’t yet found the dog I want to bring into our home as a second one. But we won’t be a single-dog family for long, I guarantee it. Here’s why.

Dogs are pack animals


Yes, they are domesticated and not wolves. They have learned to live with humans as their pack members, but those people often leave the house and Fido, their pup, stays home. When Fido has Fluffy, though, the pack is still somewhat intact, and the issue of separation anxiety is less likely to occur. The social aspect of having two dogs in your home is enormous, and a social dog is a happy dog.

Exercise needs are lessened

You’ve probably heard it so many times by now, but exercise is crucial for the health and mental wellbeing of a dog. In a household with more than one dog, there tends to be a lot of playing, fighting, and chasing.  Your dog would wrestle, roll, and flop down together to rest. Even if you still want to do a minimum of 2 walks per day, much of your dog’s energy will have been burned off by playing together.

Read more: 10 Things You Can Do to Get 2 Dogs To Get Along

Training is easier


An older dog can teach a younger dog new tricks. Since dogs crave order, the dog who already knows the rules and schedule of the house can easily help train a younger furbaby to adhere. Potty training can also be achieved with less trouble because dogs naturally go where other dogs have already relieved themselves. The younger dog will follow the older dog’s lead in where to do their business.

Personalized companionship

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Both my husband and I are dog people. Our dog, Mac, is actually, thoroughly his dog. It’s not that Mac doesn’t like me, because Mac does. But I miss the total devotion of a dog that’s entirely my own. Mac wants to sit in my husband’s lap and be petted when we’re watching TV at night, and I miss having my own furbaby to cuddle with, too. That’s why I’d love to have another furry friend around the house.

Teaching responsibility

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If you have more than one child in your home, that alone might be reason enough to have a second dog. Giving each child an animal to care for can help develop responsibility and kindness like no other way. Owning a dog teaches a child empathy and respect for life.

Emotional benefits


Dogs, like humans, are emotional creatures. If you have to leave the house for several hours every day, leaving a dog alone can lead to depression, separation anxiety, and misbehavior. Having a furbuddy to lay around with or to play with can alleviate the depression. Hence, a happier family. 

Read more: 5 Steps to Train Your Puppy to Be Home Alone

Allergy benefits

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Whoa! Allergy benefits? According to the National Institute of Health, children raised in multi-pet households before the age of one may be less prone to developing allergies. "The striking finding here is that high pet exposure early in life appears to protect against not only pet allergy but also other types of common allergies, such as allergy to dust mites, ragweed, and grass," says Marshall Plaut, M.D., chief of the allergic mechanisms section at NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases).

More companionship

Of course, the reason most people give for having more than one dog is that they enjoy their first dog so much that they want to double that enjoyment. All around, having more than one dog provides more advantages than disadvantages. Once you experience the joy of having multiple dogs, you may never go back to being in a single-dog household again. I know I won’t!


Read more: 5 Types of Dog Owners Who Need A Dog Camera the Most

Read more: 10 Things Dog Parents Do That Only Dog Lovers Understand 

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