Pawrents of big dogs - or even a tricky small pup! - often struggle with keeping them away from the kitchen counter. This is especially important to address, because our delicious food (like chocolate) may be poison to dogs. Recently, Furbo owner Eva L. caught her big guy shamelessly cruising the kitchen counter, live and on camera!
Now that Eva has proof of her pup’s mischief, what can she do about it?

Try these tips if your dog is a counter-surfer:
- Keep counters free of both food and food scraps (counters have to be sparkling clean)
- Teach your pup a simple command, such as “off” (note: this will only work if you catch your dog in the act)
- Check out an indoor pet barrier, such as the PetSafe Pawz Away barrier, that works with a short-range radio signal
- Crate train (the dog will learn to stay in their crate while you’re cooking or preparing food)

And of course, Furbo’s here to catch your dog’s motions in the kitchen - or anywhere else in the house. Check out how else Furbo is able to keep track of your dog’s behavior!